# Copyright (c) TileDB, Inc. and The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Foundation
# Licensed under the MIT License.
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from typing import Iterable, Iterator
import attrs
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import sparse
from tiledbsoma_ml._common import MiniBatch
from tiledbsoma_ml._eager_iter import EagerIterator
from tiledbsoma_ml._io_batch_iterable import IOBatchIterable
logger = logging.getLogger("tiledbsoma_ml._mini_batch_iterable")
class MiniBatchIterable(Iterable[MiniBatch]):
"""Convert (possibly shuffled) |IOBatchIterable| into |MiniBatch|'s suitable for passing to PyTorch."""
io_batch_iter: IOBatchIterable
batch_size: int
use_eager_fetch: bool = True
return_sparse_X: bool = False
def _iter(self) -> Iterator[MiniBatch]:
batch_size = self.batch_size
result: MiniBatch | None = None
for X_io_batch, obs_io_batch in self.io_batch_iter:
assert X_io_batch.shape[0] == obs_io_batch.shape[0]
iob_idx = 0 # current offset into io batch
iob_len = X_io_batch.shape[0]
while iob_idx < iob_len:
if result is None:
# perform zero copy slice where possible
X_datum = (
X_io_batch.slice_toscipy(slice(iob_idx, iob_idx + batch_size))
if self.return_sparse_X
else X_io_batch.slice_tonumpy(
slice(iob_idx, iob_idx + batch_size)
result = (
obs_io_batch.iloc[iob_idx : iob_idx + batch_size].reset_index(
iob_idx += len(result[1])
# Use any remnant from previous IO batch
to_take = min(batch_size - len(result[1]), iob_len - iob_idx)
X_datum = (
[result[0], X_io_batch.slice_toscipy(slice(0, to_take))]
if self.return_sparse_X
else np.concatenate(
[result[0], X_io_batch.slice_tonumpy(slice(0, to_take))]
result = (
[result[1], obs_io_batch.iloc[0:to_take]],
# Index `obs_batch` from 0 to N-1, instead of disjoint, concatenated pieces of IO batches'
# indices
iob_idx += to_take
X, obs = result
assert X.shape[0] == obs.shape[0]
if X.shape[0] == batch_size:
yield result
result = None
# yield the remnant, if any
if result is not None:
yield result
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[MiniBatch]:
it = map(self.maybe_squeeze, self._iter())
return EagerIterator(it) if self.use_eager_fetch else it
def maybe_squeeze(self, mini_batch: MiniBatch) -> MiniBatch:
X, obs = mini_batch
if self.batch_size == 1:
# This is a no-op for `csr_matrix`s
return X[0], obs
return mini_batch