Source code for tiledbsoma_ml._query_ids

# Copyright (c) TileDB, Inc. and The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Foundation
# Licensed under the MIT License.
"""Shuffle-chunk and partition (across GPU and DataLoader-worker processes) while reading from a SOMA |Experiment|."""
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import typing
from typing import (

import numpy as np
from attrs import define, evolve
from tiledbsoma import ExperimentAxisQuery

from tiledbsoma_ml._common import NDArrayJoinId
from tiledbsoma_ml._utils import batched, splits

logger = logging.getLogger("tiledbsoma_ml._query_ids")

Chunks = List[NDArrayJoinId]
r"""Return-type of |QueryIDs.shuffle_chunks|, |List| of |ndarray|\ s."""
SamplingMethod = Literal["deterministic", "multinomial", "stochastic_rounding"]
r"""Enum arg to |QueryIDs.random_split|:

- ``"deterministic"``: number of each class returned will always be :math:`frac \times N`, rounded to nearest int, e.g.
  ``n=12, fracs=[.7,.3]`` will always produce 8 and 4 elements, resp.
- ``"multinomial"``: each element is assigned to a class independently; no guarantees are made about resulting class
- ``"stochastic_rounding"``: guarantee each class gets assigned at least :math:`\lfloor frac \times N \rfloor` elements.
  The remainder are then distributed so that class-size expected-values match the provided ``fracs``.
SamplingMethods = typing.get_args(SamplingMethod)
"""Possible values of |SamplingMethod|."""

[docs] @define(frozen=True) class Partition: rank: int """GPU-process rank.""" world_size: int """Number of GPU processes.""" worker_id: int """|DataLoader|-worker index.""" n_workers: int """Number of |DataLoader|-workers (within this GPU process)"""
[docs] @define(frozen=True, kw_only=True) class QueryIDs: """Wrapper for obs and var IDs from an |ExperimentAxisQuery|. Serializable across multiple processes. """ obs_joinids: NDArrayJoinId """``obs`` row coordinates to read.""" var_joinids: NDArrayJoinId """``var`` column coordinates to read.""" partition: Optional[Partition] = None """GPU/Worker-partition info; typically populated by :meth:`partitioned`"""
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, query: ExperimentAxisQuery) -> "QueryIDs": """Initialize a |QueryIDs| object from an |ExperimentAxisQuery|.""" obs_joinids = query.obs_joinids().to_numpy() var_joinids = query.var_joinids().to_numpy() return QueryIDs( obs_joinids=obs_joinids, var_joinids=var_joinids, )
[docs] def random_split( self, *fracs: float, seed: int | None = None, method: SamplingMethod = "stochastic_rounding", ) -> Tuple["QueryIDs", ...]: """Split this |QueryIDs| into 1 or more |QueryIDs|, randomly sampled according ``fracs``. - ``fracs`` must sum to $1$ - ``seed`` is optional - ``method``: see |SamplingMethod| for details """ split_fracs = np.cumsum(fracs) assert fracs and np.isclose(split_fracs[-1], 1.0), "Fractions must sum to 1" obs_joinids = self.obs_joinids n_obs = len(obs_joinids) rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) shuffled_joinids = rng.permutation(obs_joinids) if method == "deterministic": split_idxs = np.round(split_fracs * n_obs).astype(int) elif method == "multinomial": split_idxs = np.cumsum(rng.multinomial(n_obs, np.array(fracs))) elif method == "stochastic_rounding": fracs_arr = np.array(fracs) * n_obs split_bases = fracs_arr.astype(int) split_idxs = split_bases.cumsum() remainder_fracs = fracs_arr - split_bases n = len(fracs) remainders = np.zeros(n, dtype=int) total_remainders = round(np.sum(remainder_fracs)) while total_remainders > 0: pvals = remainder_fracs / np.sum(remainder_fracs) choice = rng.choice(n, p=pvals) remainders[choice] += 1 remainder_fracs[choice] = 0 total_remainders -= 1 split_idxs += remainders.cumsum() else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown sampling method: {method}") splits = [ np.sort(split) for split in np.array_split(shuffled_joinids, split_idxs[:-1]) ] return tuple(evolve(self, obs_joinids=split) for split in splits)
[docs] def partitioned( self, partition: Partition, ) -> "QueryIDs": """Create a new |QueryIDs| with |obs_joinids| corresponding to a given GPU/worker |Partition|. If ``None`` is provided, world size, rank, num workers, and worker ID will be inferred using helper functions that read env vars (see |get_distributed_rank_and_world_size|, |get_worker_id_and_num|). When ``WORLD_SIZE > 1``, each GPU will receive the same number of samples (meaning up to ``WORLD_SIZE-1`` samples may be dropped). """ if self.partition: raise ValueError( f"QueryIDs has already been partitioned ({self.partition})" ) obs_joinids = self.obs_joinids rank = partition.rank world_size = partition.world_size worker_id = partition.worker_id n_workers = partition.n_workers gpu_splits = splits(len(obs_joinids), world_size) gpu_split = obs_joinids[gpu_splits[rank] : gpu_splits[rank + 1]] # Trim all GPU splits to be of equal length (equivalent to a "drop_last"); required for distributed training. # TODO: may need to add an option to do padding as well. min_len = np.diff(gpu_splits).min() assert 0 <= (np.diff(gpu_splits).min() - min_len) <= 1 gpu_split = gpu_split[:min_len] # Partition each GPU split among DataLoader workers worker_splits = splits(len(gpu_split), n_workers) worker_joinids = gpu_split[ worker_splits[worker_id] : worker_splits[worker_id + 1] ].copy() logger.debug( f"Partitioned IDs: {rank=}, {world_size=}, {worker_id=}, {n_workers=}" ) return evolve(self, obs_joinids=worker_joinids, partition=partition)
[docs] def shuffle_chunks( self, shuffle_chunk_size: int, seed: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Chunks: """Divide |obs_joinids| into chunks of size ``shuffle_chunk_size``, and shuffle them. Used as a compromise between a full random shuffle (optimal for training performance/convergence) and a sequential, un-shuffled traversal (optimal for I/O efficiency). """ shuffle_chunks: Chunks = [ np.array(chunk) for chunk in batched(self.obs_joinids, shuffle_chunk_size) ] shuffle_rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) shuffle_rng.shuffle(shuffle_chunks) return shuffle_chunks